Technical standards pilot scheme operator appointed

Thursday 16th May 2024
DESNZ have today announced that they have appointed Gemserv as the Scheme Operator for the forthcoming pilot phase of the Heat Network Technical Assurance Scheme (HNTAS). Gemserv will play an instrumental role in designing and delivering the HNTAS pilot programme which is planned to run from this summer through to early 2025.

DESNZ are about to complete the first draft of HNTAS Code documents setting out the technical requirements and assurance processes heat networks will need to follow. The next phase of the scheme development will test these on real networks to make sure they work in practice before HNTAS launches in 2025.  

As part of their role, Gemserv (and Fairheat as sub-contractor) will work closely with heat network operators and assessors participating in the pilots, developing the scheme in line with lessons learned.  Pilot findings will be shared with the sector throughout the course of the pilot. 

They are still seeking heat network operators to take part in the pilot programme. If you are interested or would like to find out more, please contact They also plan to consult on many of the HNTAS proposals this summer, so stay connected for further news from us.

Over £3m awarded through Heat Networks Efficiency Scheme 

This week Gemserv also announced over £3 million of funding from Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) to enhance heat networks across England and Wales.

The funding, allocated in round five of the scheme, will improve the efficiency of heat networks for nearly 9,000 residents and other private and public sector organisations. 

The funding awarded in this round brings the total awarded by HNES to over £30 million.